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Fresh Intelligence is Neither Fresh Nor Intelligent. Discuss.

I like Radar's Fresh Intelligence blog well enough, but for all of the resurrections and recent strides its editors have made determining Don Imus's allies or chronicling Kevin Spacey's jowl upkeep, a clumsy step backward has me wondering who's actually paying attention to movies over there. To wit, from FI, April 13, 2007:

Radar has discovered another wacky Mel Gibson stunt. As you've likely heard, the anti-Semitic, "sugartits"-slinging star slipped an actor clad in a Where's Waldo getup into a pileup of bodies in his Mayan movie, Apocalypto. Now we've found where the bearded director snuck his own crazyface mug into a single frame of the film's otherwise gloomy trailer. ... Road warrior, you so crazy!

Indeed, but not quite as crazy as running year-old news as a "discovery." To wit, from an observant Flickr user on April 29, 2006:

I just love the fact that there is one frame amongst all the serious dramatic trailer, where Mel Gibson is grinning like a loon from inside a biblical beard.

Or wait -- is this story as old as December 2005?

So, if you go to the trailer for Mel Gibson's new movie, Apocalypto, and you frame-by-frame look through the end fast-cut sequence (right after the guy gets caught in the net), you'll find a little secret.

Whatever. At least we know who currently leads the Dems in MySpace friends.

Posted at April 16, 2007 10:59 AM

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