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The Reeler Blog

Meet Me at Defamer

The lovely people at Defamer have honored me with an invitation to join their party for a few days -- a delightfully unpredictable opportunity I was happy to accept. "But... but... it's about L.A.!" you say, spitting a mouthful of spiked morning coffee onto your monitor. Well, sort of. I won't likely be hyping my favorite regional film festival or reporting from any old-school critic confabs, but I've also been encouraged to chase a more generally film-centric angle that sounds intriguing to my one-track mind. So we'll see where it goes!

And the best part of all is that you get to come along. Considering posting here will be especially light here over the next few days, I hope you'll meet me there!

--S.T. VanAirsdale
Editor, The Reeler

Posted at February 28, 2008 6:55 AM

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