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The Reeler Blog

Screening Gotham: All-Positive Friday!

As per tradition, some of today's upbeat movie news of note from around New York:

--The latest New York-
attack movie to make the press rounds is the super-secretive Cloverfield (Working title? Again, nobody knows) from producer J.J. Abrams and his Lost and Felicity compatriots Matt Reeves and Drew Goddard. A brilliant teaser recently smuggled out of a Transformers screening has been uploaded/torn down/rinse/repeat on YouTube about 1,000 times since yesterday, but thanks to sites including Vulture, The Hollywood Reporter and /Film, we know its viral campaign is in full swing and is forcing hours and days of thankless online investigations on your potential audience is The New Marketing. And why not? God knows you're not actually getting any work done today. Point, Paramount.

--One guy who's not taking the day off is Lou Lumenick, who long after the disappearance of Grindhouse is milking one more drop of coverage from his Fair Theater beat. The message: Come for the Bollywood, but, you know, come for the gay porn.

--Ed Koch didn't like Lady Chatterley, but you haven't lived until you've summoned images of his "hormones surging." Someone get this guy to the Fair Theater!

--Cloverfield bonus: Via Hollywood Elsewhere, the official Web site! Yay.

Posted at July 6, 2007 10:19 AM

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