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Tonight: Donovan Makes Rare Appearance at Rarer Film

The powers-that-be at Anthology Film Archives sent word late last week confirming the appearance of '60s folk-pop icon Donovan at tonight's screenings of The Pied Piper, director Jacques Demy's second and final English-language film and one that hasn't been screened in the United States in decades. The revival features a new print and the promise of an eventual DVD release, and, at least following tonight's 7 and 9 p.m. showings, all kinds of illuminating anecdotes from Donovan about Demy's fairy tale allegorizing "the struggles between the church, the state, the bourgeoisie and the politicians." That's not to say the kids won't get it, but leave them home anyway.

Word was already out yesterday at a couple of screenings I attended uptown, so expect a big crowd. Check Anthology's site for more information and arrive early if you can, single-digit temperatures be damned. And if all else fails, The Reeler will have a full report Tuesday morning.

Posted at February 5, 2007 11:22 AM

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