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The Reeler Blog

Screening Gotham: Ray Guns it to Kimmel

Some of today's movie news of note from around New York:

--One of New York's enduringly influential, most quotable indie gurus, Bingham Ray, is back to being bicoastal with his new gig as president of Kimmel Distribution, a new marketing wing of Sidney Kimmel's long-standing indie production enterprise. Variety reports that former UA boss Ray will oversee "all advertising, publicity, marketing services, creative marketing and distribution-related activities concerning (Kimmel) productions and acquisitions." Ray is leaving his consulting work with IFC Films; many congrats and best wishes to him.

--Reeler eyes and ears can't be everywhere, which is part of the reason I am so grateful for Brian Geldin's dispatches at his Film Panel Notetaker blog. This week: Brian checks in at the New York African Film Festival and (I'm late on this) publishes AM Peters' notes from last month's heady, pre-crash TimesTalk featuring Grindhouse directors Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez.

--Eat shit and die, Toronto: This is what you get for fucking with our Jim Caviezel movies.

Posted at April 11, 2007 12:03 PM

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